a man was playing goLF and he got lost
he saw a lady up ahead of him and went
to her saying can you please help me I
don’t know what hole I’m on she told him
you are one hole behind me I’m on seven
and you are on six he tanked her and
continued playing golf later he got lost
again and saw the same lady kind of
embraced he approached her once more I’m
sorry to bother you again but I’m lost
can you please tell me what hole I’m on
she replied you are one hole behind me
I’m on 14 and you are on 13 grateful for
her help he continued playing golf when
he finished he saw her in the clubhouse
and offered to buy her a drink for
assisting him she accepted as they were
drinking and talking he asked her about
her occuption she answered I’m mean Sals
surprised he said no kidding so am I
what do you sell she hesitated finding
it embracing to ril after some instin
sense she finally said she would tell
him only if he promised not to laugh he
agreed she confessed I sell sary napkins
he burst into laughter and fell to the
floor she reminded him you promised you
wouldn’t laugh still chuckling he
managed to say say I’m sorry but I
couldn’t help it I sell toilet paper I’m
still one hole behind you