four nuns are arguing about
what they think a man’s peeka feels like
and the Vicor overhears them he gets
really upset and he says you are nuns
you are not supposed to think about that
then he gets an idea and he says but
since you are such good loyal Servants
of the Lord and the church I will let
you each have a feel so you can stop
wondering so anyway afterwards they all
meet up and the first nun smiles and
says oh it’s like a kneeling cushion so
soft and warm the second nun says no my
sister it is more like the Himel firm
but one can still bend it the third nun
says no my sister is it’s like The
Bishop’s crook long and hard like wood a
fourth nun says no my sisters it’s like
a camel they all look at her like she’s
crazy and they say all together a camel
she says yes it spit on me