Amber Heard is being sued for $10 million for refusing to film n-k-d scenes in new movie.

The producers of Amber Heard’s upcoming film ‘London Fields’ are suing her for $10 million, alleging that she broke contractual obligations by refusing to execute n-k-d sequences.

Heard is playing Nicola Six in the Martin Amis adaptation, but according to legal documents obtained by The Wrap, she is being sued for failing to comply with a commitment to act in scenes involving nuodiity, which is in violation of her contractual obligations.

She’s also being sued for neglecting to attend the film’s Toronto International Picture Festival debut, which was later cancelled, despite contractual stipulations requiring her to participate in publicising the film.

When Heard, the ex-wife of Johnny Depp, who also features in the film, signed on, she was fully aware that the picture was’salacious, provocative, and had n-k-d scenes.’

‘Key sections in the script had to be cut and/or altered to match Heard’s actions,’ according to the script, because she later refused to film the n-k-d.

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