Alexis Bledel reveals ‘humiliating’ moment from her time on ‘Gilmore Girls’

Alexis Bledel was asked about her experience on “Gilmore Girls” by host Andy Cohen during the “Watch What Happens Live After Show” interview with “The Handmaid’s Tale” cast members on Sunday night.

With his direct inquiries, Cohen got right to the point, and one of them got Bledel to say something that genuinely embarrassed her on the show.
Which Stars Hollow local most irritated you, frank question? Cohen asked, making a reference to the show’s fictional Connecticut town.

None of them, Bledel answered, dodging the query.

However, she said, “I was really irritated when they put me in a ridiculous costume for a town event,” referring to the well-known festivals in Stars Hollow. That was embarrassing.

Regarding the relationships that her character Rory had had throughout the course of the seasons, Cohen had started his line of questioning.

Which of Jess, Logan, or Dean do you believe Rory should have chosen as her partner in the end? Cohen questioned.

“Jeagan?” Bledel responded, attempting to mash up the names of her potential love interests. I am unable to single out anyone.
After a few seasons, “very naturally,” responded Bledel.

What percentage of actual coffee do you think Lauren Graham and you both consumed during the length of the show? Cohen questioned, alluding to his previous visits to Luke’s Diner.

Bledel said with ease, “So much.”
“As Rory, you essentially grew up in front of the camera. What lessons from Stars Hollow did you take away and apply to your own life? “He queried.

Bledel replied, “Do your work and then feast.
Finally, Cohen questioned Bledel about the character she had just texted.

Bledel replied matter-of-factly, “Lauren,” to which Cohen exclaimed, “awww!”

He said, undoubtedly speaking for all show viewers, “We love that.”

Scott Patterson, who portrayed Luke Danes on “Gilmore Girls” with Danielle Brewer, recently established a podcast where he will go over all 154 episodes. The name of the podcast, “I Am All In,” comes from a famous statement made by Luke to Lorelai in season five of the show.

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