On CBS’ “Big Bang Theory,” Melissa Rauch, who portrays Bernadette Rostenkowski-Walowitz, recently revealed she is expecting her first child with husband Winston Beigel. The actress recently suffered a tragic miscarriage that left her emotionally traumatized, so the news of her pregnancy is bittersweet.
In a column for Glamour, Rauch wrote in the third person, “Melissa is expecting her first kid.” She is ecstatic, but if she’s being completely honest, she’s fairly frightened that she’ll miscarry this time around because she did the previous time she was pregnant.
Given how the previous pregnancy ended, Rauch continued by describing in great detail her troubles with this new pregnancy.
The actor felt it was crucial to share her tale since it is heartbreaking and deeply personal.
“I’m not advocating that everyone who publicly shares good news also details the difficult route they underwent to get there. I simply wanted to share what I’ve gone through in the hopes that it could, in some small way, assist someone else going through a similar hardship.”
Rauch frequently emphasizes to women who may be going through a miscarriage or having fertility problems that they are not alone and that they should never feel guilty for their miscarriages.
Maybe with more general awareness, women facing these extraordinarily difficult situations won’t feel like they’re getting sucker punched in the uterus by well-meaning others.
It is very amazing that miscarriages are still largely seen as taboo given how frequently they occur. 15% to 25% of all known pregnancies will result in losses, however as many as 50% of pregnancies result in miscarriage because the woman is unaware that she is pregnant.
How therefore can such a widespread occurrence still be stigmatized? The pain that comes with it is sometimes too complicated and private to be shared in public. Thank goodness, more public figures, like Rauch, are speaking out about their miscarriages to lessen the stigma attached to them.
Giuliana Rancic was open in her 2010 interview about her miscarriage and choice to use in vitro fertilization.
Similar thoughts were expressed on the “Saved!” actress Eva Amurri Martino’s blog, Happily Eva After, in 2015.
To remind myself and others that there is no shame in expressing our heartbreaks and enabling others to console us, Martino stated, “I am sharing in the hopes that we can be a light for individuals going through similar circumstances.
After four months of pregnancy, Jamie Otis of “Married at First Sight” and her husband Doug Hehner lost their first child. They found the experience particularly traumatic because they had already told their family and friends about the baby, yet they still managed to be quite open about it.