A young man wanted to ensure that his virgin bride’s inexperience wouldn’t cause any tension or discomfort in their marriage. One evening, as they sat together, he decided to address the topic delicately.
He gently explained, “I want you to feel completely comfortable with me, and I don’t want you to ever feel pressured or obligated when it comes to intimacy. It should always be your choice, something that feels natural and right for you.”
His bride smiled warmly and replied, “That’s so thoughtful of you. I really appreciate your care and understanding.”
Wanting to make things even easier, the young man came up with an idea. He kissed her on the nose affectionately and said, “To avoid any awkwardness, I’ve thought of a little code for us to use in bed.”
Intrigued, his bride asked, “A code?”
He nodded and continued, “Yes. If you ever feel in the mood for intimacy, you can just pull my… uh… you know, once. And if you’re not in the mood, simply pull it 100 times.”