A man walks into a L0VE HOUSE and says “I only have five bucks – is there anything

A man walks into a L0VE HOUSE and says “I only have five bucks – is there anything

A man walks into a br*thel and says “I only have five bucks – is there anything
you can do for me?”
The Madam says “Yes”, and gives him a duck.
The man hands over the cash, and disappears upstairs with the duck.

A couple of weeks later he comes back. “I have ten bucks this time.” he says,
“What’ll that get me?”
The madam hands the man another duck.

“Hold on!” says the man, “How come this duck is ten when the other one was only
five? “They’re both ducks!”

“Ah yes, that’s right”, says the Madam,
“But this one doesn’t have syphillis.”

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