A couple walks into a bar and orders some drinks.

A couple walks into a bar and orders some drinks.

They start chatting with the bartender, who notices that they seem to be having a bit of a disagreement.

The bartender asks if everything is alright, and the man responds, “Oh, we’re just having a little argument about s*x.”

The bartender raises an eyebrow and says, “Well, I must say, that’s a topic that can stir up quite a conversation.

But hey, let’s lighten the mood a bit! How about a joke? Here’s one for you: What do you call two birds in love?”

The couple looks curious and shakes their heads, prompting the bartender to deliver the punchline, “Tweet-hearts!”

The couple bursts into laughter, momentarily forgetting their disagreement as they enjoy the shared moment of amusement.

The bartender grins and says, “See? Laughter always brings people closer together. Now, how can I make your evening even better?”

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