A man had always dreamt of having a pair of real cowboy boots.
One day he sees a pair on sale, decides to treat himself
and walks proudly back home in his new boots.
He enters the house and asks his wife, ‘Do you notice anything different about me?’
The wife looks him up and down and says that she doesn’t.
Frustrated, the husband locks himself in the bathroom, takes off his clothes
and comes back completely naked but still wearing his cowboy boots.
He says to his wife, ‘And NOW do you notice something different?’
The wife looks at him again and says, ‘What’s different darling?
It droops today, drooped yesterday and it will still be drooping tomorrow.
Furious, the husband cries out, ‘And do you know why my penis is drooping? It’s drooping
because it’s admiring my new cowboy boots!’ The wife thinks for a moment and replies,
‘Well in that case, maybe you should have bought a new hat.’