Mike was 35 years old and he had been together with his beautiful girlfriend for over a year already before they decided to get married hehad been the whole time faithful withher but during the whole year he hadbeen having his eyes on her beautiful younger sister who was always wearingvery tight miniskirts and going withoutbra always when she was near Mike shewould bend down giving him the perfect view one day her little sister called andasked Mike to come over to check the wedding invitations she was alone whenhe arrived and she whispered to him thatshe had feelings and desires for him that she couldn’tovercome she told him that she wanted him just once before he got married and committed his life to her sister Mike was speechless didn’t knowhow to react or what to say she thensaid I’m going upstairs to my bedroom and if you want one last wild sex justcome up and get me Mike watched her going upstairs hecould clearly see she didn’t haveanything under her miniskirt and so hedecided to head to the frontdoor he opened the door and went to his car to his surprise his entire future family was waiting there all clapping and cheering his wife to be started crying and said to him now I know that I can marry you and always be sure that you will will not cheat on me Mike thought to himself good that I forgot my condoms in the car.