Rachel McAdams compliments the “energy” she generated during s-x scene with Rachel Weisz

The lesbian s-x scene in Disobedience, starring Rachel McAdams, 39, and Rachel Weisz, 48, reportedly generated more excitement and emotion on set than any of their heteros-xual on-screen liaisons.

The couple plays lovers in the upcoming movie Disobedience, which explores s-xuality and religion and is based on the divisive book by Naomi Alderman.

McAdams and Wesiz admitted that filming their on-screen frolic was unlike anything they had ever experienced. The themes of s-x and relationships are fundamental to the story.

As she said to EW, “There was excitement to that sequence that I haven’t experienced in any other s-x scenes [with men] in my career.” McAdams reasoned that because they were two women working together, they felt “comfortable and free.” There was a sense of unity there.
I can understand the pull and appeal to that in a s-xual setting because you get to experience all the things you love about being a woman there.

Weisz praised the “massively significant and gorgeous” scene and noted that the director’s stringent directions result in a stronger final product.

“You get in the bed, and in my case it’s always with guys, and you see what occurs,” she admitted, “and you see what may come out — it can come out a little meaningless and generalised.”

While they were being interviewed by each other for Lena Dunham’s online newsletter Lenny Letter, the two also discussed the value of working with other women.

Weisz explained: “As a woman, you often find yourself the object of a man’s desire, or he finds himself the object of your desire, but I felt that there was just something so distinct about the feminine gaze.”

Energy-wise, it was very different, McAdams continued. We had excellent communication, and everything felt extremely open, polite, intellectual, and vulnerable.

We also discussed the safety of it when performing a love scene. That was the most unfiltered and exposed love scene I’ve ever performed. It was unlike anything I’ve ever done before.

In the film, McAdams plays Esti, who, after the death of her rabbi father, returns to her Orthodox Jewish household but stirs up controversy when she reignites a dormant affair with her closest friend (Weisz).

Weisz’s character Ronit marries McAdams’ cousin in the movie, adding to the scandal.

Weisz, who said last year that she spends a lot of her time acquiring the rights to turn books into movies, is also producing the movie.

Disobedience premieres in the US on Friday and in the UK on September 28.


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