Google admits it lost out to Microsoft buying GitHub

A Google executive said the company missed out on the opportunity to purchase GitHub. Yesterday, Diane Greene, Google’s head of cloud, made an intriguing remark when speaking at a Fortune Magazine event. Greene replied, “I wouldn’t have minded buying them, but it’s okay,” according to Bloomberg.

Previous speculations suggest that in addition to Microsoft’s proposals, Google was also attempting to acquire GitHub. Chris Wanstrath, the creator of GitHub, reportedly decided join Microsoft because of his friendship with the company’s CEO Satya Nadella. Developers and businesses love using the huge code repository GitHub to house their projects, documentation, and code. GitHub is used by numerous significant tech firms, including Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google. 28 million developers contribute to the 85 million repositories maintained on GitHub.

Google was questioned by The Verge earlier this month about whether it will keep using GitHub, but a company representative responded, “We do not comment on active acquisitions across the industry.” Facebook has committed to using GitHub, and a spokeswoman said: “We’ll continue to use it as long as GitHub is a fantastic location to publish our projects and work with the open source community.”

Greene reiterated similar worries expressed by developers regarding the future of GitHub after Microsoft purchased it. Greene expressed his optimism that Microsoft could maintain their complete neutrality. The majority of developers appear to be watching to see how Microsoft’s acquisition plays out.

The Verge spoke with a number of well-known coders on GitHub, and several of them expressed worries even if Google had purchased the platform. Microsoft has been attempting to ease initial jitters, and the transaction is anticipated to be finalised later this year.

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