A man enters a bank and walks up to the clerk desk.
“Good day to you sir, what can I help you with today?” Says the clerk.
“I want to open a fucking account at this shitty bank.” Responds the man.
“Excuse me?” Says the clerk lady.
“You heard me, I want to open a fucking bank account at this pathetic excuse for a bank.” Says the man.
“Well sorry but with that language I won’t help you any further.” Says the pissed off clerk lady. “You know, I see the owner of this bank there and I’ll make him come here and you can tell him yourself!”
So the clerk lady calls the owner of the establishment over and tells him that there is a problem.
“What seems to be the problem?” Asks the owner.
“I think it’d be better if this man explained it to you himself.” The clerk lady responds.
So the man calmly looks at the owner and says: “Hello there you idiot, I’ll ask one more bloody time I want to open a fucking bank account at this bullshit bank!”
It’s quiet for a moment and the owner of the bank starts to get visibly angry at the man for insulting his employee, his buisness and him, but before he can construct a response the man decides to add:
“I just won 30 million in the lottery and I can’t keep it all under my fucking matress now can I!?”
The boss is quiet for a moment, points at the clerk lady and responds:
“And this bitch is hassling you?”