A young man was sitting at the beach watching the girls

A young man was sitting at the beach watching the girls
A young man was sitting at the beach watching the girls

A young man was sitting at the beach watching the girls go by. He noticed a man jogging near the water. The jogger had the buff body of a Hercules, but his head was the size of a baseball. The young man was curious, and chased the jogger down. The young man asked, Do you mind if I asked what happened to your head? The jogger said Sure, one day I was jogging down the beach like I do everyday to to keep in shape. I heard a scream out in the shallow water. There was a mermaid tangled up in seaweed and old fishing lines. I helped her get free, and she was very grateful. She said, Thank you sir for saving me, to show my gratitude, I will grant you one wish for anything that you want. Being a guy, the first thing he thought of was, How about some love making? The mermaid said, Dude, I’m a mermaid, I’m not built for that. The guy said, How about a little head?

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